What's New


December 18, 1995 Even more bootlegs, both Beatles and McCartney. Tons of new Teletext Pages. New Layout of bootleg overview pages.
December 12, 1995 More bootlegs listed: on McCartney Bootleg Page and on Beatles Miscellaneous Labels page. 8 more Maccatext pages, 6 new Beatletext pages. 20 new translations.
December 05, 1995 10 more Beatletext pages. Bootleg update: Orange Page, two new Oobu Joobu CDs and two brand new Paul McCartney Orange CDs.
December 01, 1995 Many more teletext news, Beatles Part4 and Part3; McCartney Part2.
At last! MPEG II Audio files, see MPEGII page, many nice MP2 sound files on revised Oobu Joobu page: Oobu Joobu Jingles and Paul's comments on the radio show
November 24, 1995 9 More teletext pages, ALL remaining translations done (any volunteers for the future???)
November 24, 1995 10 More teletext pages
November 21, 1995 More teletext news
November 20, 1995 9 new Beatletext news, 2 new Maccatext news, all translated!!! New Beatles Title Page
November 15, 1995 Added Thrillington Cover Scan (thanks Yardena!). Translated the recent teletext news, added 2 new and translated 5 Maccatext news, added 5 and translated 7 Beatletext news. Finally added "The Beatles Live im Star-Club Hamburg, 1962" CD to "Non-EMI Releases" page.
November 12, 1995 New entries on various Beatles Bootleg pages (all are marked as new). Two new Beatletext News entries. Updated Anthology FAQ and added many links to the Anthology Page
November 10, 1995 Added missing teletext gifs of Nov.8 update, also 4 new Maccatext and 2 new Beatletext news.
November 08, 1995 New Cover Scans on Yellow Dog pages. Translated 4 Beatletext and 2 Maccatext news. Added and translated further 5 new Beatletext and 4 new Maccatext pages.
October 30, 1995 2 new Maccatext pages, 2 new Beatletext pages.
October 28, 1995 13 new McCartney bootleg CDs with excellent reviews, contributed by David Pinkerton, see "Miscellaneous" section on McCartney Bootleg Page. 2 new Maccatext pages, 1 new Beatletext page
October 26, 1995 Added address of Genesis Publications to Anthology Book page. More Oobu Joobu CD reviews! Parts 7-12 new on either Oobu Joobu Where-To-Get-From page or on the Paul McCartney Bootleg page
October 24, 1995 Finally! The English translations of the latest teletext articles. And 3 new Beatles and 4 new McCartney teletext pages, all translated!
October 19, 1995 Pictures from the Frankfurt Book Fair now on the Anthology Book page.
October 17, 1995 Started the Oobu Joobu Pages and also everything you wanted to know about the Beatles Anthology but were afraid to ask. Major Beatletext and Maccatext teletext pages update.
October 10, 1995 Oobu Joobu CDs 3, 5 and 6 added on Paul Bootleg Page
October 06, 1995 Teletext update. Beatleg pages update.
September 26, 1995 Lots of new Maccatext and Beatletext news. Missing translations of other recent ones added.
September 20, 1995 Very detailed descriptions of '69 Rehearsals Vol.1-3 on Miscellaneous Companies page
September 16, 1995 Artifacts I Box Set now with scans, details, new layout!
September 6, 1995 Loads of new Paul McCartney News on the Maccatext page
September 4, 1995 Many new bootlegs on the Yellow Dog Page. New Paul McCartney boots (Oobu Joobu, Royal Performance). Revised layout for many bootleg pages, and yet more to be changed.
September 2, 1995 Beatletext News update
August 21, 1995 Paul McCartney Video Pages
August 20, 1995 Birthday Box scans improved and new ones added.
August 19, 1995 More miscellaneous boots (New Zealand releases) and even more scans now in colour.
August 5, 1995 New Fan Club and Autograph Address pages; 3 new Beatles teletext news
August 4, 1995 New bootleg details (Yellow Dogs) and new color scans for some of the "miscellaneous boots"
July 4, 1995 new Beatles Teletext News, reversed order on teletext pages (new pages first)
July 3, 1995 added new bootleg pages and revised layout (please use Netscape 1.1N or above or another browser that is capable of the TABLE tags). New titlepage.
June 5, 1995 Many changes in directory structure. The .bit-files have moved to this server so access and transmission errors should be gone now! Added a Paul McCartney Memorabilia page.
May 18, 1995 SFFTake1 available again at download section. Free As A Bird available at download section.
April 12, 1995 McCartney album discography goes colour
March 24, 1995 More teletext news (Beatles and Macca), new ones and old ones (from 1993).
March 15, 1995 Many additions and corrections in the discography pages. Added two new Beatles boots. Added a new teletext page.
March 6, 1995 Added Paul McCartney's Extra-Tracks list (provided by Jason Childers). New Page for Paul McCartney Bootlegs. Added a link to Ross Clement's Beatles-Page.
Feb. 27, 1995 Added two new soundfiles on the download page, MPEG Layer 3 encoded.
Feb. 22, 1995 Added a discography of Paul McCartney's Solo-Singles
Feb. 1995 Added Beatles-Teletext-News and Non-Emi Beatles Releases
Feb. 1995 Added the Paul McCartney Page with discography of his Solo-Albums and Teletext-News
Feb. 1995 Added this "What's New" page.
Nov. 1994 My Beatles pages now on the WWW.

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