Ticket To Ride

by Barry Tashian

Ticket To Ride


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Thirty years after The Beatles performed together live for the last time, Barry Tashian, lead singer of The Remains, the opening band on The Beatles' last tour, has compiled Ticket To Ride: The Extraordinary
Diary of The Beatles' Last Tour.

Ticket To Ride contains Tashian is tour journal and never-before-seen photographs of The Beatles, both onstage and behind the scenes. Also included in the book are first-hand accounts from fans who attended the shows as well as from musicians and other members of The Beatles'
touring party.

Ticket To Ride provides a vivid, city-by-city recreation of this legendary journey across North America, and gives an inside glimpse of life on tour with The Beatles.

Barry Tashian is a musician and songwriter living in Nashville, Tennessee. He and his wife Holly have two sons, Daniel and Carl.