The Beatles Book of Lists

by Stephen J. Spignesi

Book of Lists


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The Beatles Book of Lists is the ultimate Beatles browsing book, containing hundreds of fascinating facts presented in list form about the lads and their work. In most cases, each list entry is explained and cross-referenced, and some are illustrated with a photograph-the result being a truly unique, engrossing glimpse into the most influential rock foursome in history.
Some of the lists in The Beatles Book of Lists include:
  • The 4 Slogans Used to Describe Each of the Beatles in Revell's Official 1964 Plastic Model Kits of the Group
  • The 15 Occupations of the Fathers of the Beatles
  • A Breakdown of Which Beatle Wrote Each of the 183 Beatle Songs
  • 39 Working Titles of Beatles Songs
  • The 2 People John Lennon Referred to in His Songs as "Mother Superior"
  • 576 "Interesting" cover Versions of 120 Beatles Songs
  • 17 Songs Written by Bob Dylan and Recorded by the Beatles but Never Released
  • 3 James Taylor Songs in Which Paul McCartney Performs
  • 8 Classic Beatles Concert Playlists From Their Peak Touring Years
  • 4 Beatle Offspring Who Went Into the "Family Business" . . . and much more!

There also is up-to-the-second, original material, including the most complete listing of all the hidden Beatles references in the "Free as a Bird' video; new information about the recording of "Real Love"; and a comprehensive feature on the 78 especially fab moments in the ten-hour Beatles Anthology series. So if you call yourself a Beatles fan, don't hide your love away. Take home this unique and fascinating new book.

Stephen J. Spignesi is the author of many books on popular culture and entertainment, including The "ER" Companion, What's Your 'Friends' IQ.?, The Robin Williams Scrapbook, and The Lost Work of Stephen King: A Guide to Unpublished Manuscripts, Story Fragments, Alternate Versions, and Oddities. He lives in New Haven, Conneticut.